New Heights Charter School is proud of our strong and historically successful athletic program. Utilizing the research-based SPARKS and PlayWorks program, students engage in daily physical education aimed at increasing students’ endurance, flexibility, strength, and teamwork.
From grades TK-8, this program inspires students to pursue competitive team sports, which further friendships, build character on and off the field, and promote school and individual pride.
The following teams are currently part of the after school Athletic Program: Girls’ & Boys’ Basketball, Coed Flag Football, Girls’ & Boys’ Soccer, Girls’ Volleyball, Coed T-Ball and Baseball Indoor Hockey.
New Heights is a proud member of the City of Los Angeles Parks and Recreation Leagues which allows us to field as many teams as we can. The upper school athletic program provides student athletes the opportunity to compete at high levels. Our athletic program seeks to teach sportsmanship, leadership and character as well as skills and strategy.
New Heights Charter School teams have won many honors including:
- 2015 Rancho Park, T-ball and baseball
- 2017 Rancho Park T-ball and Baseball
- Volleyball Championships: 2016 Expo Center
In addition to competitive sports, students at the Transitional Kinder/Kinder – Second Grade level children have the opportunity to participate in the dynamic Imagination Playground. Through a grant from the KaBoom Foundation, students work on their design skills, physical coordination, initial understanding of physics, and teamwork. The Imagination Playground – a playground with lots of loose parts for children to create their own play spaces – allows students the freedom to engage in creative, free play in a safe environment.
At the Upper Campus, swimming lessons are offered to boys and girls once a week though the Afterschool program.