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We are delighted that you are interested in New Heights Charter School.

We understand that choosing the right school for your child is an exciting undertaking, but it can also be overwhelming. To make applying to New Heights as simple as possible, we invite you to submit a one-page application. We are excited to get to know you and for you to see that our school is an excellent match for your child and family. See the Steps to Apply document to get started and please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

New Heights Charter School was founded in 2006 and serves 405 students in Transitional Kinder through 8th Grade. Students in grades TK-2 attend classes on the Lower Campus located at 2202 Martin Luther King,Jr. Blvd. Students in grades 3-8 attend classes at 3989 Hobart Blvd.  (5 minutes from Lower Campus.)

We’ll see you soon!